Top 3 Mistakes Photographers Make with E-mail Marketing
Mistake #1: Not Collecting E-mail Addresses
You need to have an email opt-in form on your website. When I started my photography business, not a lot of the website developers that were making website templates for photographers had opt-in forms. Not it seems like they're finally starting to get the hint that email marketing is important for photographers and starting to implement email sign-up forms on photographer website templates.
If you don't have one on your theme, you can use an app, such as Optin Monster. You can also link to an opt-in form if you're using an email service provider such as MailChimp. They have opt-in forms and opt-in subscribe pages and you can actually put a link in your navigation bar and link to the form. You don't have to actually have it embedded. You do still have the option to embed it in your pages as well.
Mistake #2: Only Sending Promo E-mails
The second mistake I see photographers making is only sending promotional emails. Now you want to provide value to your subscribers because it helps keep them engaged, and it helps them to trust you. It helps establish your business as the authority in your area, and it helps keep your business top of mind.
Let’s talk about some ways that you can provide value to your subscribers. The easiest thing you can do is send them a link back to your blog posts where you feature your sessions. Or you can send them an e-mail with tips for their session, such as how to get ready for their session. If you have a blog post featuring tips on how to prepare for a session, inside the e-mail you could give a brief summary of the blog post and then link to the blog post within the e-mail. If you’re struggling with what to write in your blog posts check out these pre-written blog posts for photographers or pre-written blog posts for wedding photographers.
Mistake #3: Not Having a Plan
I hear a lot of photographers say they are collecting e-mail addresses, but they don’t know what to do with the leads once they get them. You need to have a plan or a strategy with email marketing so that you can be consistent with this part of your marketing. Start with deciding how frequently you will send e-mails to your clients, what e-mail service provider you will use, what kind of content you will include in your e-mail and what your goal is with your e-mail marketing strategy. According to a statistic, 61% of consumers enjoy receiving weekly emails. I think sending e-mails at least once a week is a great place to start.
I started my own photography business over 10 years ago. E-mail marketing was the one thing that helped my business grow quickly into a full-time business so that I didn't have to go back and look for another 9-5 job.
When I started my photography business, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest didn't exist. I built my entire business using e-mail marketing, so I know it works. I would love to help you grow your photography business with e-mail marketing too!