3 Ways for photographers to earn extra income in the off season

How to Get Photography Clients in the Slower Seasons

While the warmer summer months will keep you busy with your photography business how can you keep your business going and get photography clients when the season starts to slow down? Most photographers will fail to keep their business running simply because they do not consider the variety of options they have to make money with photography.  As a photographer, you want to implement ways you can keep a steady stream of income coming into your business.  These tips will show you how to get booked as a photographer the whole year long.

Try Teaching Photography Basics

There are plenty of people that want to learn the basics to shooting and using their DSLR camera but don’t want to take a class at the local college or university. Teaching a basic photography class can be ideal during the slow season of your photography business. While you can offer the class to everyone also consider narrowing down the demographic and teaching a moms photography class or an after school kids photography club. 

Try Headshot Photography

Headshots photography is a side income many photographers utilize. Consider setting up a shoot that focuses on your social media following by offering a Facebook Friday or Social Media Saturday event where people can have professional images taken for their social media accounts. Also, reach out to other businesses in your area where the employees would most likely need a professional headshot such as real estate agents or accountants.

Adding these three income options during your off-season will not only allow you to earn an extra profit but are all great ways to network and expand your market.

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