ONLY $175.00 $69.00 FOR A LIMITED TIME! (Use code KIDS69)
This Photography Curriculum Bundle for Kids is a fun yet informative way to teach beginning photography to children. This curriculum has been created specifically for kids ages 8-12. Use this bundle to start a photography club or after school program at your local elementary school, or teach your own kids! You can even use this program in kids camps over summer, winter or spring break! Purchase yours today at the special pricing!
Use this curriculum bundle to teach an after school kids club, a kids photo camp, a homeschool co-op class or even your own kids! Here's what's included:
16 Pages of layered .psd lesson files (including cover)
Basic instructions to edit in Photoshop and a list of fonts used
Lesson Plans & Attendance Tracker
Set of three activity sheets
Photographer badge template
Instructor notes outlining ideas for games and activities
Game Templates
Certificate of Completion Template
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Printable lessons cover the topics of History of Photography, Photographer's Toolkit, Exposure White Balance, Basic Settings, Composition, Basic Lighting, Basic Posing, and Careers in Photography.
You can split the lessons into 10 sections to span an approx. 45 minute 10 week course... or you could double up and create a 5 day session to span a summer camp, spring break or fall break camp.
Lessons come in layered .psd format for you to edit text & images as you wish. Also included are 3 activity sheets, an attendance chart, instructor notes, basic instructions for Photoshop and a list of fonts used.
The curriculum covers exactly what I need for my Basic Digital Photography workshop and has now prompted me to branch out into new worlds with teaching photography to children. I have found that not only do I love taking pictures and creating beautiful images, but that I love teaching others how to do the same!
Cindy J. - Reflections Photography
THIS OFFER ENDS IN: Normally$175.00 $69.00 (Code: KIDS69)
Set of 16 layered .psd lesson pages (including cover)
Teaching Notes
Lesson Plans
Instructions for Games
Coordinating PowerPoint Presentation
Matching PowerPoint Presentation to enhance visual displays
Includes 55 slides
Customizable (just add logo)
Card Game Template (Three Kings)
Designed to match seamlessly within the curriculum
A fun way for kids to learn ISO, shutter speed, aperture
Includes 30 layered .psd files
Basic game instructions and instructions for printing
Photographer Badge Template
Kids will love having their own "photographer" badge. Plus, it helps you remember their names! :). Instructions included with purchase on how to print these on your home printer or have them professionally printed.
Memory Card Game
Set of 20 card templates (10 matching pairs) featuring photographer tools of the trade
Basic Instructions to prepare files for printing
Basic instructions for the game
Bonus Files
Set of three activity sheets
Attendance sheet to keep track of attendance
Certificate of Completion template when kids finish the class
If you need to contact us with questions, feedback, testimonial or a suggestion, please send an email to info@magazinemama.com. All emails are typically responded to within 24 to 48 hours, except weekends and holidays.